Sunday, February 14, 2010

Attached Pronouns and their states.

Subhan Allah, if you understand the table below, insha Allah, you'll never have any issues with naming the state of a pronoun, ever! (Click on the image to enlarge)

Sunday, January 10, 2010

the tale of the silent alif in انا

There are already four places in the language where hamza and nun couple together:
اِنَّ اِنْ اَنْ اَنَّ

All four are used in different ways:

اَنْ - converts the مضاري verb into a مصدر and occurs in the middle of a sentence
اِنْ is for conditional, it's followed by two مضاري verbs, in the context of condition and reward/ consequence. For example, IF Zaid comes to you, honour him.

اِنَّ and اَنَّ are called حرف مشبه بلفيل Translated as indeed, they have a subject and predicate coming after it.

اِنَّ comes at the beginning of the sentence, followed by an ism.
اَنَّ comes in the middle of a sentence and followed by an ism

So, in a book without vowels if you see a hamza followed by a nun, based on what comes after it, you can distinguish the one from the other.

But fifth instance of hamza and nun ( انا ) -can be followed by a noun or a verb. And you won't be able to tell it's the pronoun. The silent alif was added at the end- to make a profound difference.